Infuse your practice with some Xmas cheer.
Bring a bit of Festive sparkle to your practice. Try these Christmasy shapes with your children, friends and loved ones, or invent some shapes of your own.
This holiday approach your practice with a playful attitude, turn on the xmas tunes, switch on the fairy lights and have some fun!
Standing in Tadasana,bring your hands into prayer before your heart. Inhale up onto your toes and exhale lowering down slowly into a squat opening the hips. Inhale extending the arms overhead. Hold for 5 - 10 breaths.
Standing in Tree pose bring your hands across your chest, interlock your thumbs and spread your fingers to make a bird shape. Hold for 5-10 breaths and repeat on the other side.
With your knees hip distance apart, support your lower back with your hands. Lifting through your sternum, gently press your hips forward. If it is available reach back for your heels. Hold for 5-10 breaths & support your lower back with your hands to come out.
Join your palms behind your back, draw your shoulder blades toward the midline. Hold for 10 breaths.
Standing in Tadasana, bend your right leg behind you and take hold of the ankle with your right hand. Gradually press your foot into your hand, extending your spine and reaching your left hand towards the ceiling. Hold for 5 - 10 breaths and then repeat on the other side.
Turn your day upside down with a holiday handstand!
Standing with your feet together, inhale raising the arms overhead in prayer position. Fold over to the right keeping the elbows glued towards the ears and the shoulders relaxed. Hold for 5-10 breaths. Inhale to centre and repeat to the left.
Starting in downward facing dog, slowly release both elbows to the floor. Raise one leg at a time balancing on the forearms.Holding for 5 - 10 breaths alternating your legs.
Starting in side plank inhale and raise your top arm and leg, stretching through all five points of the body. Hold for 5-10 breaths and then repeat on the other side.
Rest in snowball, staying here as long as you like.... melting into relaxation.