How understanding the 5 elements of Nature can enhance and support health and wellness. As old as the earth and the very substance of everything in the universe are the 5 Elements, The Panchamahabhutas. Made up of Earth -Prithvi, Fire - Agni, Water - Jal, Air - Vayu & Ether - Akasha. These are the building blocks in everything around us and yes, everything inside us too.

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11 ways you know you are ready to sign up for a Teacher Training

Perhaps there is something that you can’t quite put your finger on, a deeper knowing that you wish to attend a Yoga Teacher Training Course. You just know. Perhaps the timing is just right and things just seem to fall into place. Some call this Divine Timing or synchronicity. You just know. Sometimes things cannot be explained. The Buddha said: When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. This concept is key to keep in mind when talking about individual change.

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