Meditation & Mindfulness - 6 week course
6 February - 13 March 2024
Thursday 7.30pm
For thousands of years, people have used meditation as a way to find peace, clarity, present moment awareness and expanded consciousness. In the modern world of demands, stress and deadlines; the benefits of meditating are even needed, and many people are turning to the practice as a means to find calm and respite for the mind in the midst of the business of day-to-day life. Issues prevalent in today’s society such as high blood pressure, stress, anger, anxiety, depression and addiction can be managed and worked through with a regular meditation practice.
Meditation - The Sound of the Unstruck Bell - Anahata Chakra.
“The thing about meditation is:
you become more and more you.”
Meditation reduces stress
Improved Concentration
Lowers blood pressure
Reduced anxiety
Decrease in tension-related pain (tension headaches, ulcers, insomnia, muscle & joint problems)
Improved mood and behaviour
Strengthens the immune system
Increases energy levels Improved sleep
Emotional stability improves
Creativity increases
Happiness increases
Intuition develops
Gain clarity and peace of mind
Meditation sharpens the mind by gaining focus
“Meditation heightens awareness, revealing how one’s inner mindset shapes their happiness.”